Pomona Markets

Pomona is a great town in the Noosa Hinterland QLD.

Country Markets is on every Saturday from 7am to 12pm.

A fun morning out with the family, come and support the local producers.


We sell many different products that we produce right here in our home town of Pomona QLD. 

We design all our own graphics and products that we sell. Some of the products we sell are only available at the Pomona Markets so be sure to pop in to grab a bargain with lots of discounts too. 

Some of the products we sell at the markets are T shirts, Hoodies, Pillow Cases, Stickers and more!

T Shirts

Pomona – Noosa Hinterland QLD T Shirts

Ned Kelly – T Shirts

Our Ned Kelly art was orignally designed for 

Stickers - Coming Soon

Profile cut vinyl stickers sold at our Pomona Market stall – Available in black and white or order bulk in any colour.

Fishing Brag Mats - Coming Soon

Heavy Canvas fishing brag mats – Show off your catch and brag about it!

Artwork Categories

We have many design styles. 100% all editable and mixable to create your own design.

Any questions please email info@graphicwraps.com.au or call 0423 006 619

Graphic Wraps artwork and designs are all copyright protected

Check out our You Tube Channel for DIY and instructional Videos.

Follow us on Instagram.

Learn more about us on our facebook page. New posts highlighting latest completed projects and new artwork designs and products.